(Assistant Professor)
Valuing Mangrove Forest Conservation: An Analysis of Rural and Urban Residents'
Willingness to Work and Pay
with M.A. Cunha e Sá, R. Rosa, A. Rodrigues, M. Ortigão, L. Nobre, and A. Charrua - Draft available soon
Community Involvement in School Governance: Evidence from the Dominican Republic
with M. Canudo, V. di Maro, G. Pierri, and E. Teschke - Draft available soon
Ongoing projects
Urbanisation Meets the Environment: How Can Urban Communities Manage Migration and Protect Against Climate Risks in Mozambican?
with J. Macdonald, C. Miehe, and P. Vicente - Intervention ongoing
Crop Insurance Innovations in Rwanda
with A. Jaitly - Intervention ongoing
Messaging and Climate Change Attitudes
with A. Armand - Data collection concluded
Economic Resilience and Social Protection in Vulnerable Communities of Mozambique
with F. Kondylis, P. Christian, D. Jeong, and A. Zwager - Data collection ongoing
Evaluation of Bicycle and Uniform Distribution Programs for Girls in Mozambique
with C. Piza - Data collection ongoing
Improving Educational Outcomes for Vulnerable Children in Mozambique through Integrated School-
Based Services
with C. Piza - Project design stage
COVID-19 Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Bonaire: Socioeconomic Assessment
with M. Boyer, A. Kambon, I. Justiniano, R. de Kort, H. Koolman, and F. Millan-Placci
Bonaire’s Sustainable Urban Development Carrying Capacity Study
with P. Zapata, M. Bakker, K. van der Linden, D. Solognier, and A. Rutten